Home Room
Welcome to the LHSAA website. (Lakewood High School Alumni Association)​
This site has been created to keep all Lakewood High School Students and Alumni
up-to-date on events, class reunions, and our Annual All-Class Picnic.
A dedicated team of volunteers have worked together for over 25 years to plan ways to gather
LHS Alumni and current students together in one place to reminisce about our wonderful years at
Lakewood High School.
The Picnic is always on the 2nd Sunday of July at Del Valle Park in Lakewood, California.
save the date!
JULY 13, 2025
​We have several activities the week before the picnic, including
a concert in the park,
a Golf Tournament,
Class/Club reunions,
and several mixers at local restaurants.
Check the Lancer Loop Newsletter
or our Facebook Group for details.​​​

Are you putting together the plans for your class reunion?
Contact LHSAA.
We may be able to assist you in locating your classmates!
Email TheLancerLoop@gmail.com
and ask for details.

The Lancer Loop
The Lancer Loop Newsletter has gone digital!
This publication has everything you need to know about picnic week activities and class reunions.
​Access the newsletter using the QR code (mobile friendly) or the URL below (desktop).

If you would like to be on the email distribution list for The Lancer Loop, please email the following information to: TheLancerLoop@gmail.com
Subject Line: SUBSCRIBE
Body of Email: First Name, Current Last Name, Maiden Name or Last Name at Lakewood High School, Class Year, Mailing Address, Phone Number
All information is kept private and will not be used for any other purpose than LHSAA business.
The LHSAA Picnic Committee

Lillian Maxson Zellmer, President
Nancy Miller Stockton, Secretary
Margie Siegal Smuck, Treasurer
Suzanne Agee
Brenda Carlson
Casey Carver
Gloria Craft
Barbara Federico
Maury Jessner
Susan Van Alstine Knowles
Jim Pilgram
Angela Roberts
Steve Roberts
John Rosique
Cynthia Salazar
Debra Steinbarge
Steve Woo
Sue Woo

2024 Picnic Week

Receiving a City Proclamation to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the All-Alumni Picnic.
Pictured left to right: Council Member, Jeff Wood; LHSAA President, Lillian Maxson Zellmer; Mayor Todd Rogers; Council Member David Arellano; Vice Mayor Cassandra Chase; Council Member Steve Croft.

Lakewood CityTV came to our 25th Annual All-Alumni Picnic on Sunday, July 14, 2024 and filmed a story for Lakewood Community News.
Here's that story. Turn on the sound and WATCH the broadcast below.
Do you see someone you know?

Fallen Lancer
Memorial Pages
Sadly, we've lost some classmates over the years. Lists have been kept by class year and are displayed in the Memory Lane display at the Picnic. The lists are also found at our old website. Access by clicking the box below.
If you know of a classmate that has passed and is not listed, please provide their name, class year, and any other information to:
Margie Siegal Smuck
Memory Lane
Memory Lane is held in the Youth Center (aka The Canteen) at Del Valle Park on the day of the Picnic. Each class is represented on display boards showing significant photos from the Citadels of their class year.
These boards have become worn over the years and we're in the process of revamping them with sturdy plexiglass replacements.
​​We are grateful to those who have donated, but we're far from finished. Each new board costs appx. $160 to update. Perhaps you'd like to sponsor your class or help defray some of the cost?
Make sure you specify your class year / Memory Lane on your donation.

WATCH the slideshow


There are always expenses incurred when putting on the Picnic Week activities and we welcome your support.
Make checks payable to
and mail to LHSAA
c/o Margie Smuck (Treasurer)
5044 Briercrest Ave.
Lakewood, CA 90713

LHSAA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your generous gift may be tax deductible.
Every year at the Picnic, we collect donations of goods and services to include in our door prize area.
If you have products and/or services you'd like to donate for our giveaway (while advertising your business), please contact us via email at
TheLancerLoop@gmail.com ​​

Many of our yearbooks have been scanned to show the Senior Class photos. Click the link below to see if your year is there!
Visit our other website:
Lakewood High School Alumni Association - Home (lakewoodalum.org)